Location: Deschutes, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Eastern Lane counties
End date: Wednesday night, July 26, with possibility to extend
Smoke source: Bedrock Fire between Bend and Eugene and Flat Fire in southwest Oregon
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency issued an air quality advisory Monday for parts of Central and Southern Oregon.
DEQ and LRAPA expect intermittent smoke in the following areas through at least Wednesday night:
Smoke can irritate the eyes and lungs and worsen some medical conditions. People most at risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and pregnant people.
Protect yourself and your family when smoke levels are high:
Additional resources:

Smoke reached hazardous levels in Bend Monday morning, July 24.
Photo credit: Carrie Karl, City of Bend.
Location: Deschutes, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake, Eastern Lane counties
End date: Wednesday night, July 26, with possibility to extend
Smoke source: Bedrock Fire between Bend and Eugene and Flat Fire in southwest Oregon
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Lane Regional Air Protection Agency issued an air quality advisory Monday for parts of Central and Southern Oregon.
DEQ and LRAPA expect intermittent smoke in the following areas through at least Wednesday night:
- Deschutes County (worst overnight and early morning hours) due to the Bedrock Fire.
- Jackson County due to the Flat Fire.
- Josephine County (localized near the Cave Junction area by the Flat Fire).
- Klamath County due to the Bedrock Fire.
- Lake County due to the Bedrock Fire.
- Lane County (localized near the Oakridge area by the Bedrock Fire).
Smoke can irritate the eyes and lungs and worsen some medical conditions. People most at risk include infants and young children, people with heart or lung disease, older adults and pregnant people.
Protect yourself and your family when smoke levels are high:
- Stay inside if possible. Keep windows and doors closed. If it’s too hot, run air conditioning on recirculate or consider moving to a cooler location.
- Avoid strenuous outdoor activity.
- Use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in indoor ventilation systems or portable air purifiers. Or create your own air purifying filter by following these instructions.
- Be aware of smoke in your area and avoid places with the highest levels.
- When air quality improves to moderate or healthy (yellow or green on the Air Quality Index), open windows and doors to air out homes and businesses.
- If you have a breathing plan for a medical condition, be sure to follow it and keep any needed medications refilled.
Additional resources:
- Find a cleaner air space in your area: Visit 211info.org and search for “Wildfire Related Clean Air Shelters.” Or call 211 any time or day.
- Learn more about protecting your health during wildfires
- DEQ: Laura Gleim, 503-577-3697, laura.gleim@deq.oregon.gov
- LRAPA: Travis Knudsen, 541-736-1056 ext. 217, travis@lrapa.org; Lance Giles lance@lrapa.org 541-246-4170
- Local and Tribal contacts

Smoke reached hazardous levels in Bend Monday morning, July 24.
Photo credit: Carrie Karl, City of Bend.